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Liliane Foundation Philippines: Sharing a Joy of Hope to Filipino Children with Disabilities

By Araceli G. De Leon

Sharing a joy of hope to thousands of Filipino children who are forced to stay at their home became of their disability and cannot keep pace with others is the primary goal of Liliane Foundation Philippines (LFP). The Foundation, a branch office of Liliane Foundation Netherlands, focuses its assistance on providing medical services, education, vocational traning and financial assistance for small income-generating projects through the direct supevision of their ten (10) regional mediators plus the 150 local mediators (contact persons of partner organizations).

To achieve this goal, LFP networks with local partner-organizations such as Maharlika Charity Foundation, Inc. – Special Children’s Rehabilitation Center (MCFI-SCRC), Comprehensive Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc. Pag-asa ng Batang May Kapansanan Foundation, Inc. and many others all over the country. As of 2004, LFP has assisted approximately 7,500 children and youth with disabilities from Aparri to Jolo. Some of them who were assisted in one way or the other by the Foundaiton through its different partner-organizatons which include the following:

1. Arvin Ricalde – Arvin was diagnosed to have cerebral palsy when he was four (4) months old. In 1995, he was referred for physical therapy at MCFI-SCRC in Davao City. With continued physical therapy (PT) sessions, he has learned to walk by himself, as well as able to perform activities of daily living independently with minimal assistance. To develop his attended a Special Education (SPED) classes also at MCFI-SCRC.

In 2004, Arivn was assessed to be ready for mainstreaming and was recommended by a SPED teacher to enroll in a Special Education school.

Because of financial difficulty, his mother asked for assistance from the LFP through the intervention of MCFI-SCRC for his education.

Arvin was able to attend regularly classes at The Lamb of God Special Education Academy at Buhangin, Davao City. In a very short period of, time, his mother was able to develop his gross motor skills, and notes with great pride. He could now help her mother tend in their sari-sari store.

14 years old
December 16,1991
Nature of Disability:
Cerebral Palsy
Assistance Given:
Physical Therapy (PT),
Rehabilitation and
Special Education

2. Aljonh B. Carnice. – Aljonh is the second child in a family of three and is afficted with autism together with his older brother who is also diagnosed with the same disability. His mother has difficulty handling both boys. Aljonh was hyperactive with no eye contact. He also had poor attention frustration tolerance. With services provided by the MCFI-SCRC, Aljonh was able to avail a free occupational therapy services.

Through the help ofSLF, Aljonh showed improvement in both cognitive and behavioral skills. He can now make eye contact when called by his name, when asked to look at the therapist. He can understand simple commands and can sit steadily for about 5-20 minutes without any attempt to stand. Aljonh goes to a special school everyday for 1 hour along with 3-5 students in a class. He can scribble in a circular motion when given a paper and crayons, and can also match objects and shapes.

9 years old
November 14, 1995
Nature of Disability:
Assistance Given:
Rehabilitation and
Occupational Therapy (OT)

3. Eric N. Papas. – Eric is a 20-year old boy who suffered from stroke. He woke up one day finding himself unable to move the right side of his body. He was unconscious and therfter was admitted at Davao Medical Center. His paternal aunt shouldered almost all of his hospital and medical expenses since his father does not have a regular job, and the family is dependent on their grandmother for their sustenance. Since then, he difficulty doing the activities of daily living even the simple ones, thus leading him to stop going to school. Eric has spasticity of all his limbs which makes walking difficult including the use of his both arms. He went to KAAKBAY, a community-based rehabilitation center that caters to indigent patients located in their town. Through LFP, he was able to obtain an ankle foot orthosis. With intensive physical therapy sessions, his physical conditions improved and he moves with much ease. Todate, he can now use his upper limbs, making him independent in doing activities at home and enabling him to take care of himself. To enable him to continue his studies, LFP has provided him an educational assistance.

Presently, Eric has gained confidence in doing simple things as junior high school student. He goes to school alone riding a jeepney by himself, and could take care of himself everyday. He is able to communicate well with his classmates and teachers, and actively participates in different school activities. Just recently, he won an award during an extemporaneous speech contest which gave him a lot of motivation to excel more in school.

20 years old
May 29, 1986
Nature of Disability:
Assistance Given:
Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation, and an
Ankle-Foot Orthosis

4. Roselgen Blasé. – Roselgen is a mentally retarded child. She is the third of four (4) siblings in the family. Her mother is a seamstress and her father is a farmer. He sister and brother goes to a government school and she stays at home with her mother.

Roselgen wants to go to a regular public school to join her other siblings but was not admitted for reason of her disability. Her parents could not afford to enroll her to a special school.

Her mother, upon learning of the assistance which the Neighborhood Therapy Center provides through the LFP, sought their help. With the help accorded to her by LFP, Roselgen was able to go to school where she was able to learn a lot and meet new friends.

Morever, she was able to learn simple mathematical operations, such as addition and subtraction. She can now decipher colors, letters and numbers. She can even write her name, follow simple instructions, and read simple words. She joins in camping and is very eager to play athletic events especially during sportsfests.

21 years old
January 21,1985
Nature of Disability:
Mental Retardation
Assistance Given:
Occupational Therapy (OT),
and Special Education

5. Michelle Arandia. – Michelle or “Mitch,” as she is fondly called, is a very shy kid who rarely goes out of the house because of her deformed left elbow due to repetitive dislocation. The Comprehensive Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Foundation, Inc. (CPREF) with the sponsorship of LFP gave her years of therapy that made her elbow movement more functional. With a lot of encouragement from her parents to participate in different activities, she made a lot of improvement especially in her socialization skills.

As a result of her continuous rehabilitation, she can now participate in worthy activities such as parties and special Olympics. She is now mainstreamed to a nearby public school and has continued attending tutorial classes especially in her English subjects. Her parents tender her much care and support including CPREF as well.

10 years old
Nature of Disability:
Elow Deformity due
to Repetitive

Assistance Given:
Direct Physiotherapy,
Home-Tutorial and
Medical Services

6. Mary Rose Iral. – Mary Rose was used to be a very shy girl. Because of her disability, she was able to reached up to Grade 6 level only. With the help of CPREF and through the sponsorship of LFP, she was provided her early intervention and stimulation program. Other rehabilitation services were provided to her in order to attain what she wishes once she is fully rehabilitated. Seeing her potential in teaching, she was trained to become a teacher aid. From then on, she actively participated in CPREF’s diverse undertakings that include disability orientation and community organizing workshops.

Mary Rose has changed her personality from being “just” a beneficiary of LFP to an active volunteer of the programs of CPREF which LFP supports.

These individuals with disabilities presented in this article are some of the successful clients of different LFP partner agencies. The primary goal of LFP of giving hope to the less fortunate is fast becoming a reality and assures these children with disabilities a bright horizon in their future.

18 years old

Assistance Given:
Medical Services,
Ijclusion in Early
Intervention, and
Stimulation Program

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