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Welcome to the Liliane Foundation

"Showing that particular child who is beloved"

The Liliane Foundation aims at giving children and youngsters with disabilities, up to 25 years, in developing countries access to medical and social rehabilitation. One characteristic of this assistance is that it is provided in collaboration with local contact persons through direct, small-scaled and tailor-made help, supporting the children’s personal growth and furthering the children’s integration in society.

The help involves (para)medical treatment, surgery, appliances, (special) education, vocational training and income generating projects.

This website is meant for all satkeholders & partners of Liliane Foundation. You’ll find here all information that is relevant to everyone.

Liliane Foundation - National Coordination Office

Sr. Agnetia Naval,SFIC
National Co-ordinator

Ms. Maria Theresa dela Cruz
National Correspondent

Ms. jonalyn Galamgam
Administrative Staff

Leo Bartolome
Job Developer

liliane Foundation Philippines

The work of Liliane Foundation in the Philippines began in 1985 with Sr. Agnetia Naval, SFIC, who started as a mediator and eventually became the National Coordinator in 1994. The Liliane Foundation Philippines is duly registered as a branch office of Liliane Foundation Netherlands at the Securities and Exchange Commission (No. FN200510390) and at the Bureau of Internal Revenue as a tax-exempt-organization. Liliane Fondation has partner-organizations nationwide. its work is carried out by 150 local mediators supervised by 9 regional mediators.

The Liliane Foundation Philippines was established:

a) to manage, administer and implement policies pertinent to granting of financial assistance (evaluates applications for funding, monitor and report fianancial grants to qualified beneficiaries);

b) to serve as the final phase of the Netherlands Office decentralized policy; and

c) to organize and/or strengthen volunteer networks for children and youth with disabilities

d) to screen possible and potential partner-organizations in assisting children with disabilities

With the development of activities in the Philippines, a National Coordinating Office (NCO) was set up in 1994 with Sr. Agnetia Naval, as National Coordinator. Under the leadership of the National Coordinator, the NCO is manned by National Correspondent, Job Developer & Administrative staff, To assist the NCO in its varied functions, mediators are grouped into blocks led by nine (9) Regional Mediators.

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