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Frequently Asked Questions "Showing that particular child who is beloved"

1.What is the objective of the Liliane Foundation?

2.What age limit does the Liliane Foundation keep to?

3.Are any other contact persons of the Liliane Foundation active in my country/ district?

4.What criteria must I meet to apply as one of your contact persons?

5.How/to whom can I apply to become one of your contact persons?

6.What does the Liliane Foundation expect from me as a contact person?

1.What is the objective of the Liliane Foundation?

The Liliane Foundation helps children and youngsters with disabilities living below the poverty line with suitable rehabilitation assistance.

The Liliane Foundation recognizes the needs and rights of children and youngsters with disabilities and supports them in acquiring education, sanity care, an income and full participation in social life. The Liliane Foundation contributes to the fight against poverty in developing countries by joining efforts with co-workers on the basis, whom we call 'mediators'. In their turn, these mediators represent an NGO or congregation that works for the well-being of children and youngsters with disabilities in rural areas or in the slums of big cities. Through its mediators, the Liliane Foundation makes rehabilitation and suitable basic assistance more accessible to people with disabilities. In this process the Liliane Foundation stimulates progress in the field of rehabilitation in case of disabilities, which in turn helps to fight poverty.

The Liliane Foundation is able to improve as well as to vary the sources of income and the quality of life of the poorest of the poor, by increasing their mobility, their job opportunities and chances of getting an income.

2. What age limit does the Liliane Foundation keep to?

Children and youngsters with disabilities up to 25 years of age qualify for help.

3. Are any other contact persons of the Liliane Foundation active in my country/district?

The Liliane Foundation is active in more than 80 developing countries. Coaching takes place from the regions of English-speaking Africa, French-speaking Africa, Asia and Latin America at the main office in 's-Hertogenbosch. The regional persons in charge can give you all information on the network of mediators in your country or district.

4. What criteria must I meet to apply as one of your contact persons?

See the questions that apply to the profile of the mediator.

5. How/to whom can I apply to become one of your contact persons?

You may address your letter to us by e-mail. You can find the application form under 'acquisition'.

6. What does the Liliane Foundation expect from me as a contact person?

The Liliane Foundation expects from its mediators a constructive and positive dedication in order to achieve its objective as stated above.

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