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aid priorities

Fundraising priorities

Aid priorities

1.Help more children

The growth in the number of children who receive aid each year depends on the available budget. We strive to increase the budget by 10% a year. If income is sufficient to realize this ambition, the budget for direct aid will amount to about 12 million euros in 2010. We expect to be able to help a minimum of 80,000 children. The budget for basic facilities will be about 2 million euros by 2010, assuming a growth of 10% in income.

2.Expansion mediator network

In order to be able to help 80,000 children in 2010, we will need around 3,000 mediators. To expand and strengthen the mediator network, the Liliane Foundation will focus on contacting potential partner organizations and intensify existing contacts over the next couple of years.

3.Increasing effectiveness and efficiency

In order to provide better aid, the Liliane Foundation wants to gain more insight into the quality of help and the effect it has. We will conduct research in various countries. The outcome will be used to continue increasing the effectiveness of aid.

For the aid to be effective, it is important for the mediators to be familiar with rehabilitation. We will continue to stimulate them to expand and deepen their knowledge, and to develop skills and capabilities by taking part in workshops and training sessions. Mediators will also regularly receive information about different kinds of disabilities, treatment and various aspects of rehabilitation. This policy will be intensified over the next years. Mediators will also continue to be stimulated to collaborate and consult each other more.

In order to improve effectiveness, there will be a drive to encourage knowledge and experiences to be exchanged with other organizations. The Liliane Foundation also seeks collaboration with national and international initiatives which also aim to emancipate disabled people in developing countries.

In order to be able to help as many children as possible with the limited budget we have, we will continue to make an effort to improve cost efficiency and budget controls in the Netherlands as well as in the countries concerned. Furthermore, action will be taken to make supervising expenditure even more efficient.

Guidelines for decentralization

The decentralization process requires guidance and support. Because more and more tasks involving aid are being decentralized, the tasks of the aid department in our Dutch office have shifted. In the past, all requests for help were dealt with by our head office. Now, the emphasis is on guidance and supervision.

From an efficiency and effectiveness standpoint we are considering whether it is possible to merge a number of national offices into one regional office. We are striving for a small, professional core staff, which would consist of experts in the fields of management, administration and rehabilitation for all our national and regional offices.

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