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Focus points of the Liliance Foundation

That one special child

Disabled children are"Children" in the first place. All over the world they have the same needs as other children They need attention, care and understanding. They want to play, and together with other children and adults, they want to disacover the world. They want to feel welcome and to feel acceoted in the family and community, wanting to develop to their optimum as individuals. A diabled child in a developing country does not always receive all the chances that he or she is entitled to. The Liliance Foundation is there for that one special child,

To know that you're valed

Children that can't walk, see or hear, or are mentally disabled, often feel rejected beacuse they feel of no use to their family and feineds. Oftern, a disability places the child on the fringe of society, Parents in developing counrtries often stand powerless because they lack the money and knowledge to help their child. Yet, that child needs that special attention and care. Such a child must know that he or she is valued, that they belong, and that tehy have a full participation in society,

Inner strength

These children rely on their inner sterngth, a resilience that keeps them going. Giving to these children, their care, attention and giving practical ehlp, gives them the will to stand up for their rgiths and fight fro themselves, Giving to these children will also stimulate the community into action. I is the children themselves who must take the long road in the process of rehabilitatoin. Their will-power helps them, but they ust know that others believe in them. They must know that they are seen and accounted for. That helps them during their times of hopessness, loneliness and disacouragement. To support a child in a very small way, finacially or otherwise, is often sufficient to five the child a life altering change.

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