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A view at the disabled child

The dfference in outlook, the rights of the child, and the focus points of the Liliane Foundation

In our world, there are different ideas about " being disabled". Culture, social rules, and economic circumstances dictate the different views. The differences show in the letters we receive daily from the Liliane Foundation mediators in the developing countries. But, there are also similarities.


Nearly everyone has a fear of the unknown, of something different or not understandable.This fear for "something defferent" lays the fondation for the negative feelings for people that are disabled; particularly, for children that are born with physical or mental disabilities. Besiders these feelings of fear, you frequently find feelings of hopelessness, because the surroundings have no experience with a disaled child, The results of this are rejection and denial.

Economic circumstances

Most of the people in developing countries have thir hands full with the daily fight for survival, Scraping together lifes essential needs, food m clothering and shelter, All the energy is used in the daily fight to survive. A disabled child in such a situation is an extra burden, Frequently, as a result, you have a child who feels worthless and recevies too little attention.

Differences in approach

The emotional and cultural approaches to disabled children differs, Religion, superstition and ignorance frequntlyplay an important role. There are regions where people believe that a disabled child is a punishment for the parents, sent from the gods, in these sort of cultures a disabled child is often hidden because of shame, in other cultures, parents of disabled children lean towards over proctection. Parents coddle their child in such a way, that he or she is not given a chance at the possibilities to develop, such as washing, dressing, or feeding him or her self. And ye, in even other cultures, people see the disablity as fate or a supernatural sign. A medical or other intervention to improve the fate of the child, is generally looked at as evil. Beside this, certain handicaps are seen as contageous. The people in the surroundiings forbid their children to mix with disabled children.


The nature of the disability usually influences the appreciation for the child in the family and community. A medical or other sort of intervention can change this. For instance, children that suffere from polio, that crawl around on hands and knees, are usually seen and treated with less appreciation. The monent they have the chance to learn to stand up and walk with crutches and braces, their prestige rises.

Rights of the Child

in 1990, the Convention for the Rights of the Child was held. An international treaty was drawn up, declaring the rights of the child. The countries that sign this treaty are committed to comply to, and realize these rights. Article 23 of the treaty deals with the rights of a disabled child, It binds the countires to fiving special care and attentiontion mentally and physcially disabled children. Also, it gives disabled children the right to specialzed education, possibilities for as much independece as possible, and a full participation in society, Furthermore, the countries that signed the treaty, promote the international co-operation and exchange of knowledge in the area of prevention, rehabilitation and education.

Unesco, also emphasizes the importance of education for disabled children. Everyone is entitled to a broad, balaced and relevant education, Children with disabilities are a major group for whom this right has still to be won. Disabled children have th right for equal opportunity. Equality of opportunity is about recgnizing and celebrating difference, and working to ensure that everyone can develop his or her full potential. Disabled children have the right to participate in society. They should not be denied access to education or suffer needless restrictions on the range of education offered or the quality of teachig they experience. Wherever possible, they should be educated alongside their peers. Disabled children have the right for special care. What is more, not only are the technical aspects of rehabilitation important, but also attention and love.

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