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Providing aid


Information and fundraising

The Liliane Foundation is trying to raise awareness of the desperate plight of millions of children with a disability in developing countries. It is a so-called hidden disaster of immense proportions and therefore goes unnoticed. At the same time, the Liliane Foundation wants to make people realize that the life of such a child is improved tremendously, if given the chance to be rehabilitated. The financial means to provide aid to children and adolescents with a disability are mostly collected through fund-raising. Our aim is to increase income in line with the estimated growth of aid.


We call on people in the Netherlands and in other countries to help children with a disability in developing countries by supporting the Liliane Foundation. The Liliane Foundation has evolved into ‘The Special Foundation’ for these children. We have the knowledge, experience and a reliable network. We offer practical help in a professional, effective and engaging manner.

Individual donations are not our only source of income; in light of socially responsible entrepreneurship, companies act as ‘partners in aid’ to the Liliane Foundation. Besides this, a number of non-profit organizations collaborate with us as partners.

We value the lasting involvement of donors and partners. In order to continue promoting this support we strive to manage our relations as carefully and actively as possible.


It is important to us that the methods and means of fund-raising fit in with the austere nature of the Liliane Foundation. We strive to achieve effective results at a minimum cost.

National, regional and local media – television, radio and the printed press – are important forums for drawing attention to the need to help children with a disability in developing countries and showing the general public the various means which can help these children. Besides this, we use our own people and resources for communication and fund-raising purposes. Initiatives by third parties are encouraged and supported.


The children that the Liliane Foundation brings into to the public eye, act as ambassadors for other children with disabilities. Publicising their stories is important and functional. An absolute condition of ours is that this should be done respectfully

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