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Supporting and educating mediators

It makes sense to learn from each other's experiences. In some developing countries, the Liliane Foundation works together with many mediators. The Liliane Foundation, stimulates initiatives for open gatherings between their mediators. In countries where the Liliane Foundation works together with dozens of mediators, it strives for a partnership with congregations or Non Governmental Organizations, in order to be able to appoint regional and/or national co-ordinators. The co-ordinator's function is to offer a facilitating role for the Liliane Foundation mediators. Moreover, he or she organizes gatherings, activates mutual co-operation, and maps out reliable referral possibilities (rehabilitation centres, hospitals, special schools).

Special activities
The objective of the Liliane Foundation, is to offer personalized, small-scaled, and direct help to the disabled children in developing countries. Also, the Liliane Foundation relies on volunteer services from existing local networks (Liliane Foundation mediators) and uses facilities from existing local hospitals, rehabilitation centres, schools, etc. The mediator is responsible for the support and follow-up care. In practice, mediators sometimes experience that they have little or no referral possibilities to help the children in their area. Often, they have to go with the children to distant cities for the rehabilitation. For the follow-up, especially the paramedical rehabilitation, it often takes a long duration, and for the parents and mediators, it means a tremendous investment of time. Also, mediators sometimes experience problems with the care and looking after of severely physically and/or mentally disabled children.
In such cases, the mediator has a practical problem and can barely offer the meaningful help needed for the children. The Liliane Foundation will stick to her main objective of personalized, small-scaled help for individual children, but will also work along with the mediator in this problem. The Liliane Foundation is not in a position to work on a large-scaled, structural project; however, when it is associated with small-scaled basic facilities (day care centre, after care facility) and when mediators can find no answer from the local government authorities or other organizations, the Liliane Foundation is prepared to work together with the mediator to look for a solution and for financing possibilities by government authorities and institutions.

A world-wide network
In 1995, the Liliane Foundation worked together with 1200 Liliane Foundation mediators in 70 developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America. In 1980, the formation year, the Liliane Foundation helped 14 children. 10 years later, the Liliane Foundation was helping more than 10,000 children a year. In 15 years time, 75,000 requests for help for disabled children were honoured. The number of children reached yearly is still growing. The assistance remains personalized, small-scaled and direct.
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