Banner of ISD with pictures of school and some deaf students together with school logo



Wednesday April 27, 2005 05:02 AM













ISD in Fingerspell


History and Activities

The history of Isabela School for the Deaf (ISD) is one of the meticulous struggles through the years. Hard work and determine were then the main trust just to educate the hearing-impaired in the province, form basic through high school level. An achievement, which is considered can of its kind ever to be presented and materialized in this part of the country and truly an outstanding event in the history of deaf education in the region.

In the years 1993, from its humble beginning and formal organization, none other than the ever-philanthropic beloved Governor of Isabela, Hon. Benjamin G. Dy conceived the program that conducted a preliminary survey in establishing a school for the deaf in the Isabela.

Managing the school was not that easy during its first year of operation because of its insufficient supply of water and electricity. The task was quite uneasy due to the fact that giving orders to the students was a real mess because majority were unable to communicate property or what we called International Sign Language, teachers just followed their usual style or signs at home or simply called “household Signs” where in the only resort to be effective in communicating with them is a strong facial expression and short cut signs using the hands and pair of eyes.

            Since 1993, the organization of good-heart people in the Provincial Planning and development office through the recommendation for a financial assistance of Mr. Bagnos Quebral supported by Mr. Edmund Guzman Sr. and Mrs. Leonora Mamuri and was later turned over to Mr. Nestor G. Salvador’s office being the department head. This department purpose of these people, are to provide financial help fished-out from the I.R.R.A in the local level as part of the provincial wide development, for the operation of school. Several personnel have been tapped, whereby cooperation was firmly demanded. In order to keep the school in regular operation, this program continued through the years as it gathered momentum to form concrete plans for the maintenance of a unique learning institution for the hearing-impaired.

The teachers established efforts for the purpose of upgrading school operations and supervision. What took place after that was the school brought much closer to the realization of its goals and objectives. Governor Benjamin G. Dy offered the building in the Isabela Sports Village, just a store’s throw to the sports complex to be the formal training ground for the deaf students. That includes boys and girls’ dormitories, dinning hall, and two rooms for teachers and at the same time use as classrooms. After those struggles, the pursuit for success has progressed considerably through the years. At present the school has a total enrollees of 52 from basic to high school levels compared to 15 students eleven years ago.

The valuable and generous support being extended by the office of the governor and the P.P.D.O. family to the school is really a great help.

The academic department of the school is the most important area for the formation and development of the life of every student. It is in this respect where the students will imbibe the changing power of true education. Hearing-impaired as they are, they need to know and experience the life time benefits which education offers because real education is a continuous process which actually begins with life of life to be worthwhile, feelings need to be disciplined, true and worthy motives are to inspired a profound religious feelings and convictions must be instilled and pure morality must be inculcated in them.

Furthermore, the school is trying to uplift their almost forgotten condition in the society and give courage to face challenge in the future. To open new horizons in order to disentangle the unforgiving bondage of hopelessness and self-pity.

In conclusion, we thank God for His bountiful blessings, for the humble contribution being made by the equally good hearted figures in the local government, for the spirit of sharing having been cultivated indelibly among the deaf and hearing alike and above all, for the incomparable consideration and concern of our great leader, the Hon. Benjamin G. Dy for our physically handicapped brothers and sisters in the silent world, made more meaningful with the most simple and basic things in life-such as goodness, kindness, decency, understanding and love.

How many deaf children and adults can be benefit through deaf school?

There are approximately 8 to 10,000 deaf and hard hearing people in the region. Around 100 or more of them have benefited some education through school and other special school in the region. The remaining 99% or more are most likely illiterate. Even with the doubling of existing facilities for deaf education, there would be a huge number of students who would remain unreserved by the formal education region wide. Provincial school for the deaf approaches can begin to narrow the educational gap and touch the heart of thousands of students including potential deaf teachers. The I.S.D. approach includes the promotion of sign language and the training volunteers and paid interpreters to support their education.

The academic department of the school is the most important area the formation and development of the life of every student. It is in this respect where the students will imbibe the changing power of true education. Hearing-impaired as they are, they need to know and experience the life time benefits which education offers because real education is a continuous process which actually begin with life or life to be worthwhile, feeling needs to be disciplined, true and worthy motives are to inspired a profound religious feelings and convictions must be instilled and pure morality must be inculcated in them.

This means that education should be conscious and a methodical application of the best mean in the wisdom of the ages to the end that the youth, handicapped or otherwise, may know how to live completely with joy and contentment. Value of hard work and industry is the next important emphasis of the school. All students are taught and trained how to work because the school believes that hard work is the sure foundation of a happy and prosperous life. It is therefore a must, that each students has to fulfill a certain duty or responsibility as his practical education throughout his entire sojourn as a student. Of course, the core of the whole curriculum Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Art Education, P.E., English and Christian Values. This is for both elementary and High School levels.

Most important activity of ISD includes the following:

1. Train community sign language teachers.

2. Teach family member how to sign and to adjust to the deaf member in the family.

3. Organize parent groups and home instruction using an individualized curriculum.

4. Offer sign language courses in the community to train interpreters.

5. Provide short training course for those wishing to engage in deaf social work and teaching.

6. Work with local health care professionals to prevent and treat middle ear infections and other conditions that cause deafness.

7. If sufficient need exists, conduct teacher’s training seminars.

 Copyright © 2005 Special Children Christian Group for the Deaf. All rights reserved.
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