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Welcome to House With No Steps!

House with No Steps Facade
Front view of Bahay Biyaya is a Student Hostel, a Cheshire Home for physically handicapped students. WPFD office is on the ground floor.

"This website is a product of the desire of the Foundation to reach out to you - the general public, particularly to our sustaining members, patrons, sponsors, benefactors, and friends and to communicate to you what the Foundation is all about, what it stands for, its objectives, programs, and the beneficiaries, Above all we would like you to have a clear understanding of the Foundation as an organization."

"We have been pursuing our mission for a decade now and we are as detemined and committed as ever to continue delivering both primary and auxiliary services to the disabled sector of our society in order to lead them into a life of productivity and independence."

- Message From the President, Mr. Gonzalo C. Goquiolay

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Designed by MCCID Students