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Bahay Biyaya Hostel

This is a special home managed by the Foundation located at No.8 Saint Michael St, Cubao, Quezon City. The hostel which started operating in 1982 houses the offices of the Foundation, Philippine Council of Cheshire Homes for the Disabled and Wheelchair and Disbled Association of the Philippines, Inc.

Bahay Biyaya Student Hostel is the biggest home for physically handicapped students studying in different colleges and universities in Manila and Quezon City. It provides educationa support services to disabled high school and college students. These services include counselinf and transportation, tuition, accommodation and lodging, books and school supplies, as well as library facilities.

At present, the hostel accommodates from 20-30 disabled students both boys and girls.

Admission to the hostel is by recommendation of the parish priest of the locality where the students come from. Generally, however, majority of the students are recommended by missionary priests and nuns, Applicant must havea minimum grade of 80% for high school and 2.5 for college.The application must demonsirate independence in activities of daily living and must be free from infections diseases such as tuberculosis.

The hostel has its support staff consisting of director of education, dormitory matron,cook, janitor and a driver. While at the hostel, the students are exposed to the activities of independent living, They clean their own rooms and bathrooms and have specific assignments in the kitchen to help in the preparation of food, serving the table washing dishes and cleaning of the dining area. Once a week, they have the Bibliarasal conducted by qualified theologians. Occasionally, they also go out on excursions and picnics,supervised by the Foundation management.

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