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Bahay Biyaya Student Hostel
Front view of Bahay Biyaya Student Hostel, a Cheshire Home for Physically handicapped students.WDFP office is on the ground floor.

Bahay Biyaya Student Hostel, a home for many physically handicapped college students, is a speicalized dormitory which provides access features that are designed for the convenience and mobility of wheelchair bound residents.

The first of its kind in the country, the dormitory which is an affiliate member of the Philippine Council of Cheshire Homes was constructed in 1982 with the help of the German government and land donation from Ms. Elena Santos.

Located at No.8 St.Michael St. Cubao, Quezon City the hostel house at present thirty five physically handicapped college students, most of whom are paralegics.The hostel is staffed with a dormitory matron who also acts as a house mother, a cook, a janitor and two drives. Hostel activities are designed and programmed to develop the students sense of responsibilities and independence. They have specific assignments in the kitchen in washing the dishes and assisting the cook. On weekends they clean their rooms and surrounding. Since most of the student are Catholics they Pray the Holy Rosary every evening, and attend the Bibliarasal class once a week which is organized by seminarians of Religious congregation. Occasionally, vocational and religions counselors volunteer their services.Seminar workshops and leadership training and peer counseling are organized by WDFP as part of their personal development.

Among the salient access features of the hostel and ramps that lead to the second and third floors, spacious toilets rooms and laundry area.

Admission to the hostel is screened by a committee headed by the education director of House With No Steps Foundation.Apllicants are required to submit their Form 137 for high school graduates and for those in college, their grades in college immediately proceeding their date of admission. The cut-off grade is 85% for high school and 2.5 for college to qualify for scholarship grant.Other documents required are social case report, medical certificate, X-ray result, recommendations, from Parish or school officials, and certificate of good moral character.