

For every hearing impaired persons to know Christ and
make them social functioning individuals.


provide spiritual enrichment, physical, social and emotional
Development and improved economic status of the hearing impaired Persons.


We believe in one God-the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the inspired and only infallible word of God.

     The Son Jesus Christ, as the only savior of mankind, manifested in the flesh by the conception of the Holy Spirit in the virgin berth. In His earthly ministry, he was tempted in all aspect but did not commit any sin. He was falsely accused, crucified and die for the transgressions and sin of the world so that by His blood shed at the cross of Calvary, He conquered the power of sin and death. He was offered as the living sacrifice for the new testament that all who believe in Him shall have eternal life. He resurrected and ascended to the throne of God at the right hand of the father performing the duties of high Priest, Mediator and advocate of every believer. He will return to Earth for the elect to establish His kingdom forever where the blood-washed saints shall reign with Him forever.

     The Holy Spirit, the third person in the divine trinity, is now ministering in this dispensation, convicting the world of sin and giving comfort and guidance to the heirs of salvation, teaching them all truth, giving them the power to overcome the evil one.

     That every believer, including the deaf persons, washed by the blood of the lamb will inherit the coming new city, Jerusalem, Where God establish His heavenly tabernacle to dwell with them eternally…