Accessibility Statement and Instructions

The Philippine Christian Fellowship for the Disabled, Inc. strives to make its Official Web Site accessible for all users, including people with disabilities. If you have any questions or comments about the accessibility of this site, feel free to email the webmaster.

General Web Site Layout

The web pages are consistent with its design and column positions all throughout the web site. It uses the 2-column format. The design specifications are:

1.The top most bar has the Skip to and Accessibility for easier access.

2. The left column has linked buttons.

3. The right column is where the main contents are located. It has bread crumbs or composed of link pages where the viewer is currently located.

4. Copyright and Email Link appear at the bottom.

Other Instructions and Features

1. Simply press enter on the "Skip Link" to go directly to the Main Content.

2. All images have ALTERNATE text attributes. Decorative graphics appear on the CSS files.

3. The web site can be resized to any screen and font size.

4. There are no JavaScript and Flash files embedded.