The 5th Cooperative principle states that: “Cooperatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so that they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperatives. They inform the general public – particularly young people and opinion leaders – about the nature and benefits of cooperation”. This principle emphasizes the vital importance of education and training cooperatives. Through education, cooperative members, leaders, and staff are able to deepen their grasp of the real purpose of their existence – the realization of balanced social and economic growth and development for their members and communities.
Cooperatives need to cope up with the rapidly changing environment. They are in a highly competitive setting, and have to be responsible to effectively meet the member’s needs and demands, both social and economic.
Many cooperatives failed largely because of poor education and training, lack of effective cooperative education and training program and inadequate mechanism to be competitive and how to handle this problems.
Basic Cooperative Management (Module I)
This is a continuous training to MCs at their respective area. The objective of this training/workshop aims to build the management/ leadership skills/capacities of the cooperative officers and members in the effective and efficient performance of their duties in operating and managing cooperative as a social and business enterprise.
Advance Cooperative Management (Module II)
To the 6 MCs we had conducted last year. Continuous education is necessary in order for them to gain more knowledge on how to improve in terms of operating and managing of their cooperative.
Board of Directors and Staff Development
Annually the Board of Directors of NFCPWD is changing. Series of trainings-seminars for them is necessary to enhance and equip in their areas of responsibility. The training-seminar will be coincide with their quarterly meeting schedule with at least two topics to be discussed for two days.
Each employee of NFCPWD is in need of attending series of trainings-seminars according to line of work to cope up with the rapidly changing environment. They must be in a highly competitive setting, and have to be responsible to effectively meet the member’s needs and demands. Each staff could attend two training seminar for the year.
Basic Bookkeeping
Based on experience on our 2002 10% project, our Member Cooperatives (MCs) have difficulty on submitting financial documents/requirements we are requiring because of lack in systems on recording. Part of the preparation of the 10% 2005 Budget from DepEd amounting to P90M and our proposed Peachtree Accounting Software Program we are planning to conduct Basic Bookkeeping to the Bookkeepers of our MCs in Metro Manila.
Peachtree Accounting Software Program Training
Peachtree accounting software program training is intended for standardization of accounting system for all Member Cooperatives (MCs) of NFCPWD. We know for a fact that financial aspect is important in every organization in order to prove that the organization has a sound internal control. And we have to accept that, that is one of the weakest of our MCs.
The Federation is already using this accounting program and wants to extend to its MCs for standardization of accounting system. The cost for this training is a little bit expensive that is why we would like to pilot three MCs 1 in Visayas and 2 in Luzon in year 2007.
The budget for this training is inclusive of the accounting software and 1 set of computer in order for them to use immediately the software in their operation after the training.
Upgrading of Technical and Skills
Upgrading of Technical and Skills specifically in metal and wood works is needed for NFCPWD to meet the needs and demands of our clientele.