
Tuesday, May 10, 2005


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Jennifer R. Ramirez

Jennifer Ramirez


   It is with great pleasure that I am addressing you and all the members of the Internacional Teatro Silencio Filipinas, Inc and Deaf Participants. Congratulations on your major historical concert which is a showcase of your abilities, skills and talents as a Deaf People. i

       I become president of ITSF this year to help and support to deaf community and our visions of ITSF is to be a cultural dance group believing in the potential of Deaf Filipino artists, encouraging us to rise above our limitation s and promote awareness of the Deaf Filipino Community and to hearing majority through the performing arts. Out mission is to train aspiring Deaf Filipino artists to develop our full potentials in the performing arts and to inculcate in us the deep sense of responsibility and professionalism with a solid ser of Christian values.

       I congratulate all of you for unselfisnly sharing your talents to the rest of deaf community and to the hearing world to appreciate our capabilities.






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