
Sunday, May 15, 2005




     The ITSF (Internacional Teatro Silencio Filipinas) has been the offshoot of theatrical experiences which Dennis Rhoneil C. Balan has acquired from grade school to high school until college wherein he under went acting workshops under Repertory Philippines. It was in college when he thought of forming a group of deaf dancers to prove that disability is not a hindrance to capability of a person as an artist. Thus, former TSP (Teatro Silencio Pilipinas) was formed under the mentorship of Ms. Barcenilla.


Dennis was voted president and founder of the group which also upholds the principles of the Deaf Theatre Philippines in the field of arts. Their performing experiences extended from their early days with the Little Sign Choir of the Philippines Association of the Deaf and later with the Deaf Theater Philippines.   The former TSP group has earned several wards and citations for exemplary performances on stage, television and movie. The group had international experience as in the Deaf Way Conference in Washington D.C., 1989 and the Third Abilymics in Hong Kong, 1991.During an evening show "Eye to Eye" with Inday Badiday, Dennis was asked what he would want to be, and without any hesitations he answered "I want to be an actor". True to what he said he had the ability to become professional actor not to mention his goal was he would use his hands, he added "if I become an actor I would help my talented peer (deaf people) by giving acting workshop to enhance what is hidden in their hearts so they can be given a chance to bring it out in the open for everyone to know that deaf people like us have also a special place in this hearing world."

          Formerly known as Teatro Silencio Pilipinas (TSP), we have had the pleasure of performing since 1996 in various parts of the country and have ably represented the Philippines in the World Youth Day in Paris, France in August 1997. ITSF likewise participated in the 3rd Very Special Arts Festival in Los Angeles, California in 1999, sponsored by the President of the Philippines, we performed before various groups while in the United States and received good reviews. We were also chosen as the Philippine representative to the International Culture and Arts Festival for People with Disabilities help in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2001. And in the same year, President Macapagal-Arroyo cited us as the Disabled Talents of the Year 2001, through the Apolinario Mabini Award Committee. The Internacional Teatro Silencio Filipinas (ITSF) has overwhelmingly proven that with perseverance, determination and commitment and given equal opportunity and adequate support, persons who are differently-abled can rise above their disability and succeed.



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