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      Somebody once said: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Today there are about four hundred thousand deaf mutes in the country. They are ignored, negiected and misunderstood. Yet given the opportunity, they have so much to offer. All they need is someone who cares enough to give them a helping hand.

      According to government statistics, only about thirty-five thousand, are getting any form of education And even rhrough Our Schools have opened new horizons for these less fortunate brothers through our twenty-five years of operation, sad to say our D.E.A.F School in cavinti, Laguna can only accommodate 150 student at most, notwithstanding the community rehabilitation centres which are taking in another 250 pupils. We are deluged with requests, but unfortunately we have to turn away so many young deaf children as well as teaches because of the lack of resources.Our God almlighty provided all these years many friends who gladly to support the organization. We are especially grateful to Him for CBM of Germany whose partnership through the years has helped many deaf mutes to become useful citizens. There are also many anonymous donors and friends that cannot be mentioned for lack of space. We thank you so much for all the support; may the Lord bless all of you for your generosity.

      The Board is committed to continue to these important tasks. With the help of our Lord and the counties support of friends, we will counties to bring education to the deaf mutes and hopefully exand our facilities to improve the ratio of the educated hearing to hearing impaired population in the country. We, the D.E.A.F Organzation believe that life for deaf mutes can be changed. First, we believe through proper education, thry can be trained to communicate with sign language, and to read and write like any normal person. Second, we believe in teaching skills like basic agriculture, simple machine operation and livestock breeding so they can be assimilated to the community as soon as they graduate from school. Third and most importantly, wq want to spread the gift of salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We value their redemption as much as we value ours.

      These objectives are formulated by the Board in the hope that one day, as we face our creator, we can give a proper accounting of our duties and responsibities as good Christians. And more urgently, endeavour to bring salvation to our disabled brothers and sisterx. "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40) Let's not turn a deaf to their plight.

Cecilio Kwok Pedro
Cecilio Kwok Pedro

Deaf Evangelistic Alliance Foundation, Inc.

      Thank You and God bless you. You're our LIFE LINE and co-workers. 1 Samuel 25:13 and 1 Samuel 30:24. Please continue to pray daily for me, the deaf, our schools, and our teachers. Prayer can and does move mountains.
Aimee Ada Coryell
Deaf Evangelistice Alliance Foundation, Inc.

Copyright@ 2006 Deaf Evangelistic Alliance Foundation, Inc.
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