Abilympics Philippines

Philippines Policies on the Training and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs)

The Philippines Government concern on the welfare and development of PWDs cn be traced back as early as 1950's. The Labor Code of the Philippines promulgated in 1974 contained a chapter on the training of handicapped or disabled persons as special workers. Their training is aimed at enhancing their potential and employability through actual exposure on the job. The law grants companies exemption from full payment of the minimum wage to PWD workers. This incentive, however, fails to attract employers. Only a few companies with a strong sense of social responsibility hire PWDs.

The Government commitment to uplift the condition of PWDs was given impetus when it ratified ILO Convention No. 159. This required all ILO member countries to formulate, implement and periodically review national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons. Soon after, Republic Act No. 7277, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, was passed by the Philippines Congress in 1991. The act provides for the rehabilitation, self development and self-reliance of disabled persons and their integration into the mainstream of socity in the areas of employment, education, health, accessibility and telecommunications, auxiliary social services and political rights.

A breakthrough in the promotion of PWDs welfare and development came with UN-ESCAP Declaration of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons. 1993-2002. This advocates the full participation and equality of PWDs at the International level. Responding to this call, the Philippine government issued Presidential Proclamation No. 125 in 1993 mandating the nationwide observance of the declaration in the country.

In 2001, another milestone was recorded in the history of PWD development in the Philippines when the government made a policy on the integration of the Abilympics in the Philippine National Skills competition. During the 10th Philippine National Skills Competition, more then 100 PWDs from across the country competed in several events alongside with their able-bodied counterpart.

Last year, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declared 2003-2012 as another Philippine Decade of Persons with Disabilities. This is a clear manifestation of the Philippine Government's concern for the development of PWDs in the country.

Copyright © 2006Abilympics Philippines
Updated: May 2006

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