<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Abilympics Philippines's Contact Us Untitled Document
Abilympics Philippines

Financial Setup

The Foundation started with some seed money from the personal contribution of its three original Board members. However, to defray the travel and participation costs of its first participation in the 3rd International Abilympics in Hongkong in 1991,Abilympics Philippines, led by its then Chairman the late Atty. Arturo Borjal,embarked on a fundraising campaign. Starting with their pool of personal and well meaning friends, they generated publicity and financial support from civic-minded groups and corporations mainly through Atty. Borja's "Jaywalker" column in the Philippine Star.

         In the succeeding years, the foundation forged a Memorandum of Agreement with government partners namely NCWDP, DSWD, TESDA, and the DILG to ensure necessary techical and administrative backup in screening and technical preparations for fielding a national team every four years. To financially support its yearly operations and social marketing programs , it runs a continuous fund campaigns with technical support from the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP). This way, it is able to replenish its budgetary requirements in time for the next International Competition.

The API's Board of Directors has a working Board operating as volunteers for free and "for the love of Art". Before the late Atty. Borjal's demise, he personally handed over API's Chairmanship to Mrs. Rosie Lovely T. Romulo and Mrs. Begona B. Ortigas who he fully trusted to purse his htmirations to boost work excellence of people with disabilities. With Chairperson Rosie Lovely T. Romulo as the Approving Authority, Chairperson Begona B. Ortigas serves as the treasurer with Miss Josephine Belmonte as the Accountant.

         From the beginning, the group has committed to operate on a voluntary basis and mainly, to pursue what Atty. Borjal set out to do, their focus is to promote work excellance and recognition of the Filipino disabled that will translate to more job opportunities for them locally an aboard.

CCopyright © 2006Abilympics Philippines
Updated: May 2006

Deaf Cooperation