h.UPLOAD- to transfer (data or programs), usually from a peripheral computer or device to a central, often remote computer
i.DOWNLOAD- to transter (data or programs) from a server or host compute to one's own computer or device.
j.UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR OR WEB ADDRESS- An Internet address (for exampe, http://wwwhmco.com/trade.htm), usualy consisting of the access protocol (http), the domain name (www.hmco.com) and a file inside (/trade/htm)
k.STATIC WEB PAGE- a web site that is not used for business or electronic commerce
2.That the WEB PAGE DESIGNER shall design a static web page for the CLIENT Free of charge;
3.That the CLIENT is responsible for providing information such as:
a. Help cash-strapped institutions or the deaf to put up their web sites;
b. Serve as a trainging ground for MCCID students in creating we sites; and to
c. Encourage awareness on the significance of internet to promote their institutions
4.That the CLIENT is responsible for providing informatin such as:
a. History e. Current Activities
b. Past and Present Principas and Heads f. Recent Accomplishments
c. Latest Facilities, Rooms and Pictures g.Contact Information
d. Board/Faculty/Staff/Members h. Other information
5. That the CLIENT is responsible in designing their institute's own logo or logotypes, taking photos, making videos or music;
6. That the amount of time required to design and implement a website is directly related ro the number of pages requested by the CLIENT to respond to DESIGNER'S inquires is not included rom the above.
7. That CLIENT has the sole right to select the informatin he/she would want to be included in the web site and that the WEB PAGE DESIGNER's duty is ony t make suggestions as to what would be place in the web site:
8. That CLIENT is legally and officially responsible for the information presented on the we page;
9. That the WEB PAGE DESIGNER will present the inal design and content to the CLIENT for approval before uploading them to a free web server;
10. Due to their limited financial assistance, the WEB PAGE DESIGNER shall allow the CLIENT to only three (3) revisions on the overall design in order to save both time and othe expenses that will be spent during the making of the web site;
11. That the maximum time for the CLIENT'S repesentative to notify the WEB PAGE DESIGNER of his/her decision about the final, additional and othe revisions and the final designed web pages is two (2) weeks. If the WEB PAGE DESIGNER is not notified whether text message or in writing, within two weeks, it will be assumed that the site has been approval;
12. That the WEB PAGE DESIGNER has the right t include accessibility issues in designing the we site; This means that the site can be accessed by any body including the visually impaired, low vision, and othe persons with disabilities (per UN proposal for ICT accessibility);
13. As the producer of the web page, the WEB PAGE DESIGNER will include its name and logo at the bottom of the first designed page with a link to its website; |