ADPI Multi Purpose Cooperative

Jaro Plaza, Jaro, Iloilo City CDA Registration Number ILO 4162


ADPI Multi Purpose Cooperative LOGO

This organization of Persons With Disabilities (PWD’s) has formed into a Multi Purposed Cooperative under the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. Its official’s name of cooperative is ADPI Multi Purpose Cooperative with the primary objective to engage in manufacturing of all kinds of furniture, sales and general services and carry of buying, selling, distributing, marketing at wholesale and retail in so far as maybe permitted by law in all kinds of goods, commodities, wares and merchandise of every kind of description, to enter a contract for the import and export purchase and acquisition of sales, merchandise, broker, commission merchant, investor and or agent upon consignment of all kinds of goods, merchandise on products whether artificial or natural. Our cooperative operates within the city and province of Iloilo and its address is in Jaro, Iloilo City. The Cooperative was registered in Cooperative Development Authority last May 15, 2002 with Registration Number ILO 4162. The members of the Cooperative are all Persons With Disabilities.

The ADPI MPC is an offshoot of the strong determination of the members of the Association of Differently-Abled Persons. Organized by a small group in 1990, ADPI’s objective was to gather all the PWDs in Iloilo.

Among the first initiatives was to initiate a self-service canteen in Jaro Plaza, Iloilo City. The canteen staff was and is composed of hardworking and determined PWDs. Later, our Association also started another livelihood project called the Productivity Center. Here, we manufacture steel and iron works and we accept job orders from the government and private establishment.

The Cooperative operates the Jaro Plaza Canteen wherein the services rendered are the following: 1. Serves meals and snacks and 2. Catering for all occasions. Likewise the Cooperative has a Productivity Centre at Brgy. Bolong Este, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo wherein it produces different assistive devices such as wheelchairs, crutches, prosthesis and the likes. The productivity center also produces secondary armchairs tablet and any other metal works. The workers of the Cooperative are all Persons With Disabilities.

The Cooperative is an affiliate member of the National Federation of Cooperative of Persons With Disability (NFCPWD). The Cooperative is already accredited with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) last April 2004. As of time, we have an on going project from Department of Education (DepEd) that is manufacturing of secondary armchairs.

  • Chairman : Mr. Louie Archespusa
  • General Manager : Mr. Mario Abaygar
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