The contract was equitably distributed to the 11 MCs based on their production capacity. One MC did not participate due to prior commitment to other clients. With the support of the SEDCOP CCA-NATCCO, through Mr. Milo Casals, a pre-production planning workshop was conducted in February 2004 where all MC heads were present. This was facilitated by Mr. Peter Hammerle and Mr. Butch Ferriols. This workshop served as our venue to decide on work distribution, sourcing of raw materials, production and delivery arrangement, fund releases and report requirement, among others.
Three MCs namely, KAMCC, SAFRA-ADAP & MKMK produced the entire wood requirement. The wood components which were already processed and ready for installation were shipped by container van directly to the assembly points in Luzon and Visayas. Identified by the MCs, these assembly points were near the recipient schools to reduce distribution cost. In exchange, the three MCs producing the wood components received the finished steel frames from other MCs namely FARAD, ADAP and AMCHA. The other coops, SIKAP, GPMPC, LBMC, BPWD and ADPI produced their own steel frames and took care of the installation and delivery of their allocation. In addition, AMCHA was tasked to supply the entire writing tablet requirement of the armchairs using high density fiberboard (HDF).
Due to the lack of funds and delay of releases, our production and delivery plans had to be adjusted in the course of implementation. Another problem was the difficulty in getting shipment permits for the wood from the local offices of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The long, strong rains also affected our work. Aside from this, there were instances when the shipped wood components from Mindanao MCs were incomplete so that the chairs could not be assembled.