The Federation gains recognition


The uniqueness and successful work of the Federation are increasingly being recognized by individuals within and outside the PWD sector including non-governmental organizations and government agencies at home and abroad.

This issue of the newsletter presents livelihood for people with disability as a vehicle towards rehabilitation and self-development; a Federation-owned business to practice skills and develop self-esteem and positive values, a captured market provided by the government through the Department of Education (DepEd), orders from private organizations and individuals and other ecomomic efforts. The Lingkod Banahaw Multi-Purpose Cooperative (LBMPC), a member of the Federation, is one example on how the seed of school chair production has grown into a healthy plant spreading its branches and bearing good fruits.

The CBM, a partner-organization of NFCPWD since its founding in 1998, provided the Federation with the much-needed loan of Php 60 Million for the seed capital of the DepEd project and the Canadian Cooperative Association (CCA) made the financial commitment to further strengthen the member-cooperatives. Furthermore, the United Nations Ecomomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP) invited the Federation to attend the 2nd Asia-Pacific Disability Forum General Assembly and Conference held in October 2006 in Bangkok. Mr. Johnny Lantion, the NFCPWD General Manager, presented the Federation and its work during the conference. The Federation's membership has expanded and the Dep-Ed contract contributed to this development. All these are among the recent breakthroughs of NFCPWD!

Already now, the management looks way ahead. What will come next? Will DepEd award the 2006 contract to the Federatin so that members nationwide can continue to work? Having developed self-confidence through the acquistion of skills and earning their own money, it would be cruel for members to go back begging in the streets.

The Federation and its member-cooperatives have proven they can accept challenges and succeed. It is now up to the government, non-governmental organizatins and the private sector to provide regular, wider opportunities including that of making accessible the much-needed seed and working capital.

Countless things can be done. Among these are - a fast-food chain can reserve 10% of its requirement for lettuce to be supplied by PWDs, DepEd can implement the 10% Special Provision without delay and consider the most economical set-up, other government line agencies can coordinate with the Federation and include similar provisions in their budgets for products and services that PWDs can competitively produce.

The Federation and its member-cooperatives natinwide have gone a long way. Equipped with its valuable experiences and modest achievements, NFCPWD faces greater challenges and opportunities towards its sustainable development. As we come to the end of this year, 2007, we thank the Creator and Great Provider for all the blessings. He has given and continue to give us!