DepEd USec. Ramon Bacani and NCWDP Deputy Executive Director Mateo Lee with Mr. Peter Hammerle and Mr.Johnny Lantion of NFCPWD during the contract signing.


(BY: Daisy Valerio)

As I edit this second issue, I am brought back to my reflection points when I was writing the book entitled: "TheseAbled" in 2005.

Going through each of the articles ... and putting them together for this issue give a strong ring to the heart that seldom happens.

At one or the other periods of our lives, our paths suddenly converge with that of people and organizations who touch us in a lasting manner. They are the ones who work in silence and humility, stretching their strength to the maximum for their sel-healing and development. In doing so, they enrich others and create impacts. Among these very impressive individuals/organizations for me are the officers and members of the NFCPWD and the Federation, itself.

With NFCPWD's decisiveness, sincerity, self-discipline and transparency through the years, I am not surprised why the DepEd had entrusted to the Federation a Php90 Million contract for school chairs, why the CBM lent them the huge amount of Php60 Million for their seed capital and why many other partner-organizations work with the Federation up to this day. Indeed, the trust and confidence of others is not a gift which is freely given. It is painstakingly earned over a period of time and NFCPWD had certainly earned this.

All human beings have certain disabilities of limitations but the more visible ones are physical. How each one recognizes and overcomes her/his seen or unseen disabilities so one could heal whatever pains she/he may have, move towards one's self-development and be a better citizen of planet earth remains to be a great challenge to all of us.

Certainly, the seed that was sown during the founding of the NFCPWD in 1998 has grown into a full-blown tree and is bearing good fruits. Warmest congratulations to the officers, member-cooperatives and other people behind the Federation's success. Mr. Johnny Lantion, the Federation's General Manager and a PWD, himself, and many more (their smiling faces are very vivid to me now!) played and continue to play key roles in the Fedration's unique development. Silently working behind the scene and giving a much-needed contributin is our German friend Mr. Peter Hammerle, the NFCPWD's consultant from CBM, prior to the Federation's day 1.