MKMK Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Maddela Kilusan ng May Kapansanan (MKMK) New Barangay Hall, Brgy. Dipintin Maddela, Quirino Province CDA Registration Number TUG - 1685


Black Wheelchair

The Maddela Kilusan ng May Kapansanan (MKMK) Multi-Purpose Cooperative is a cooperative of Persons With Disability (PWD), voluntarily joined together to achieve a common and lawful social and economic end through a more diversification line of business and services.

MKMKMPC was registered with the Cooperative development Authority (CDA) on January 21, 2000 with registration number TUG-1685 duly organized and managed by PWDs in the Philippines.

MKMK MPC has 27 members. 7 are women and 20 are

men. Out of 27 members 20 of those are married one is widow and 6 are single. Although still small in number, our cooperative’s area of operation is province-wide as we strive hard to reach out to PWds in various parts our province. Presently, MKMK is affiliated with the Regional Federation of Person With Disability in Region 2 and has been recognized as the only PWD cooperative in the whole region. The members of MKMK is bonded by the goal of collectively promoting and upholding the welfare of persons with disability. MKMK want to enhance and promote the common welfare, rehabilitation, self-development and self-reliance of PWDs so that equipped with these, we and our families may be able to improve our lives and could serve the community and our nation in the best way we can.

In terms of lobbying work, MKMK help realize the rights and privileges of PWDs as stipulated in the Magna Carta for the Disabled known as R.A. 277 and another law called B.P 344. Together with other member cooperatives of our Federation, we advocate and lobby for a more concrete implementation of these law.

MKMK priority programs and project for year 2005 up to 2008 are (1) provision of assistive devices and medical surgery to disadvantaged PWDs (2) free education to elementary and secondary PWD students in coordination with the local government (3) securing capital assistance to finance our group livelihood projects to generate self-employment of PWDs (4) setting up programs for self and social enhancement (5) vocational-technical training programs for students with disability geared towards gainful employment and (6) program expansion to children with special needs in coordination with NGOs.

  • Chairman : Mr. Manny Juliano
  • Manager : Mr. Wilfredo Rivera
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