painting + mix media + painting + sculpture



Officers and Members


Rommel L. Agravante


        I, Rommel Agravante was born in Hilongos, Leyte, Visaya on March 7th 1977. After contracting sickness from the age of one I became deaf. I moved with my family to Manila at the age of five but recalling my earlier days in Hilongos, I can say that I owe the artistic skills I possess today to my uncle.

       One incident that happened during my early years in Leyte has chiefly been responsible for the colors in which my paintings have been executed to this day. The day I fell headlong into garbage of the nearby river embankment, which resulted in me attaining slight concussion. The colors of red and black became the vision as a result of this, and still are the colors in which I use to execute my paintings today.

       My elementary years were spent in Manila at the Philippines School for the Deaf in Pasay City, which resulted in me attaining high awards for my art. Awards continued to come to me and when I attended High School I won the title of the 'Artist of the Year.After graduation I enrolled in TUP doing a course in Industrial Art, but after one year I changed and moved on to undertake a course in Interior Design at the Philippines School of Interior Design in Makati City.

       I participated in my first art competition in the DOW Art Contest and as a result I obtained a Grand prize and a Second prize for my paintings. After this i continued to collaborate with artist in Makati City as a graphic artist. In 2001 and 2003 respectably, I was the first runner - up in both the Digital Design and Metrobank Competitions.

      Today I have two roles. Firstly, I am working towards helping others deaf people akin to myself by being employed as a Deaf Research Coordinator for Filipino Sign Language at the Philippine Federation of the Deaf (PFD), in Quezon City. Secondly, I am the new elected President of the Filipino Deaf Visual Art Group (FDVAG) who last year was responsible along with other organization members of mounting the "Sounds of Color" Exhibition at the Church of Risen Lord (CRL) at the University of the Philippines, Diliman.

      Besides sign language Deaf have discovered a more poignant medium of statement of self-expression, not in so much words, but by means of communicating through their visual art. Today, I continue to paint subjects that are entirely my own works in oils and acrylic. These are the medias that I feel most comfortable in using and can control with mastery skills.

      In the future I would like to be considered as a serious artist and not just classified as a 'Deaf artist. In spite of this, I want to be able to display my talent alongside the cream and the best of Filipino artists, by competing in competitions and participating in numerous art exhibitions, be it nationally and/or internationally.



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