painting + mix media + painting + sculpture



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Manuel V. Adonis


    I was born from a poor family, my father was only a mason' and my mother wag the one who took care of us. L am the seventh child. I was bore on Dec. 27, 1949. I was a blue baby, that is why l am mute and deaf. My parents did every thing for me, but because we are poor my parent was do no thing.

        My parents enrollment at the school for the deaf on F. B. Harrison in  Pasay City. There I was thought the sign language and all that a child mind learn, ray mother took all the pains in accompanied one to school until I was old enough to take care of myself. When I was a, little boy, I was very fond of painting during my high school days. I always join contest in school and even the Jayces and Air France contest to which I won some prize. I worked at the Luneta coffee shop during vacation days. Mr. West and Mrs. Carlo's took notice of me and ray decide to be a good painter but because we are poor my parents can not afford to send one to college, so my superior at the coffee shop decided to send to college.




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