painting + mix media + painting + sculpture



Officers and Members


Amelito C. Regalado
Vice President


         AMELITO REGALADO adds another title to his name as his artistic flair soars anew. For the third year in a row, he once again bagged this year’s Breaking Barriers Grand Prize Award for the Circle of Winners Category – a category reserved only for the most talented and noted artists of Breaking Barriers.

       Amelito started honing his potential in the field of arts early on as a child taking up special painting classes in his native hometown in Albay. Though faced with a physical disability (deaf-mute), he did not allow this to hamper his growth as an artist. He takes inspiration from acclaimed renaissance virtuosos and draws motivation from renowned Filipino artists.

      From early and humble beginnings, he soon mastered his craft and developed his own dynamic and unique style as an artist. He has reaped numerous awards and recognition in various art competitions. Most noted of which is the Breaking Barriers competition – a national art contest for the physically and mentally handicapped. But his goals would not stop at winning awards, he hopes to someday put up his own “one man show” art exhibit. To further cultivate his skill, he plans to go back to College and study advanced painting techniques. With this in hand, he hopes to reach out to others facing the same predicament by setting up formal art lessons for the disabled.

      Truly, Amelito Regalado has proved that a handicap should not prevent someone from fulfilling his dream and moving on to do more things that can touch and inspire others. For him, participating in Breaking his talent.

     Through his paintings, he is able to express his thoughts and views of the world in a language that transcends all barriers – through art.



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